This year’s global theme for International Women’s Day is #BreakTheBias and as part of the Advantage Smollan group’s Path to Purpose mission, our culture and policies aim to create a diverse and inclusive workplace free from gender bias and discrimination. We are proud to work alongside our UK sister companies in celebrating the achievements of women and promoting an equal world where difference is valued, not undermined.
To celebrate this day, we share some thoughts from our inspiring female leaders within our wider Advantage Smollan group.
Nicky Sanderson, Head of UK Sales Solutions for Advantage Smollan
As a mother to young teens, my wish is that my children grow up in a world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive – where differences are not only welcomed but celebrated and valued and where opportunity is the same regardless of gender. I am committed to play my part and #breakthebias. I am super proud to be part of a business which is wholly inclusive and creates an environment where everyone can thrive but there is more that we can do. Recently, we have introduced several policies and mechanisms to support our women in the workplace however the rise of women is not about the fall of men, and everyone has an important role to play in forging gender parity. My commitment is that, through my words and actions, I will do all that I can to help forge a gender equal world #IWD2022 #gender
Rachael Simmonds, MD at Retail Active
As managing director of a customer experience measurement business, I am constantly fascinated by the impact of experiences on our lives – at work, at home, with our colleagues and with our friends and family. At Retail Active we want to get the best out of our people and for our people to get the best out of working for us. Our culture truly supports gender equality with flexible and part time working to help our teams get a better work / life balance. Speaking from my own experience, the flexibility this offers helps me to manage both family and work commitments and helps me enjoy life as a mother as well as life leading a team and a successful business.